MSC Cruise

The 5 Types of People You Will Meet on a Cruise Ship

Discover the fascinating mix of personalities that come together on the open seas! From the confused family from Missouri to seasoned explorers, learn who you might encounter on your next cruise adventure.

The Retired Couple Enjoying Their Golden Years

Imagine a serene deck with a view of the endless ocean, and you’ll likely spot the Retired Couple, basking in the glory of their golden years. This endearing pair has marked the calendar for this cruise to celebrate their retirement, often found with smiles as wide as the horizon. They’re the embodiment of relaxation, exchanging stories of their children and grandkids, or reminiscing about the past as they create new memories.

Their days are filled with leisurely activities; you’ll see them enjoying the early bird specials, participating in dance classes, or simply lounging by the pool. They’re a testament to the joy of aging gracefully and a reminder to us all to savor the moment.

The Alcoholics Who Thinks Cruising Means Drink as Much as You Can

Then there’s the group that can be found from the pool bar to the lounge, embracing the ‘all-inclusive’ aspect of the cruise a bit too fervently. This crew, often a boisterous bunch, seems to have an unspoken mission to sample every cocktail the ship has to offer. They’re the life of the party, turning every evening into an extended happy hour.

While they’re living of their version of heaven-on-earth, they can sometimes become a bit too spirited, mistaking the lull of the waves for the need for another round. It’s all fun and games until the sea days blend together, marked only by the rising and setting of the sun—and the opening and closing of the ship’s bars.

The Confused Family from Missouri

Embarking on a cruise can be a culture shock, especially for the family from the heartland of America who’s left their comfort zone for an adventure at sea. This family, perhaps experiencing their first passport stamp, is a delightful mix of wide-eyed wonder and bewildered curiosity, often spotted with a map in one hand and a camera in the other.

They bring a refreshing innocence to the seasoned atmosphere of the cruise, asking earnest questions and marveling at the simplest of things, like the buffet’s vast selection or the towel animals left by the room steward. Their confusion is endearing, and they often leave the ship with a trove of memories and a newfound love for travel.

The Travel Agent That Won’t Stop Telling Everyone They Are a Travel Agent

Amidst the vacationing crowd, there’s always one who’s there partly for business, ever-ready to hand out a business card: the travel agent (and the travel agents wife). They’re your go-to for unsolicited advice on the best excursions, the finest dining options, and tips to maximize your loyalty points.

While their wealth of knowledge can be a boon for the uninitiated, their enthusiasm to share their profession can sometimes overshadow their own relaxation. Nonetheless, they are a fountain of information, and for those looking to get the most out of their cruise experience, this travel agent is an invaluable resource—if you don’t mind hearing about it at every turn.

The Knowledgeable Cruise Aficionados Who Sail Weekly and Are Triple Diamond Elite Members

Every ship has its royalty, those seasoned veterans of the sea who have sailed more waves than most have walked miles. These aficionados are the elite of the cruising world, often greeted by name by the crew. They know the best cabins for every class, the history of each vessel, and the nuances of the loyalty programs that would confound a novice cruiser.

To the first-timer, they are a wealth of cruising lore and etiquette, and to the staff, they’re esteemed guests with a penchant for the finer things on board. Their tales of past voyages are as deep and wide as the ocean itself, and they’re never shy to share their experiences or their status as triple diamond elite members.


  • Joseph

    Soybean worshipper and exotic fruit enthusiast. Can be found eating tofu and noodles in various parts of the globe, possibly without utensils.

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Soybean worshipper and exotic fruit enthusiast. Can be found eating tofu and noodles in various parts of the globe, possibly without utensils.

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